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Answers to Exam Prep Questions


Answer A is correct. The project manager has overall responsibility. All other members of the project team assist in the process.


Answer A is correct. The project charter is not used. The scope statement and project management plan are used. Academic studies are part of enterprise environmental factors that also include commercial databases, benchmarking, or other industry studies.


Answer C is correct. Acceptance is when no change to the project is made for a risk. A contingency can be set aside to offset the impact of the risk. Transferring moves the risk to a third party and there most likely would be an upfront cost associated with this response. Mitigate is taking steps to reduce the probability or impact. Sharing is similar to transferring for a positive risk.


Answer D is correct. Cost plus incentive fee is always the lowest risk for the buyer. Fixed price and purchase order are the best choice when the item is well defined. Time and materials balances the risk between buyer and seller.


Answer C is correct. Updating the risk register first happens in risk identification. All other activities occur during risk management planning.


Answer B is correct. Senior management is responsible for quality in the organization. The project manager is responsible for product quality on the project.


Answer A is correct. The resource breakdown structure organizes all resources in a hierarchical structure, allowing for cost tracking. An organizational breakdown structure is used to document the project organization (human resources). A work breakdown structure shows deliverables, but is not a detail of cost. A risk breakdown structure is used for risk analysis.


Answer D is correct. The RACI matrix list responsibilities of all resources. The staffing management plan only lists types of resources and timing. The organizational breakdown structure lists resources according to the organization to which they belong. A position description only lists responsibilities for a specific position.


Answer B is correct. The quality baseline documents the quality objectives for the project. The quality management plan lists which quality policies apply to the project. The process improvement plan documents how processes will be analyzed for improvement. A quality control checklist is used to ensure steps of a process are completed.


Answer C is correct. Total Quality Management (TQM) uses 14 points and calls for quality awareness from everyone involved. CMM outlines five levels of process maturity. Kaizen, or continuous improvement, calls for a cycle of improvements to processes. Malcolm-Balrige is an award for quality awareness.

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